This is a blog written by lawyer Tim Eigo, the editor of Arizona Attorney Magazine, which is the monthly publication of the State Bar of Arizona.

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Originally, in November 2009, this blog launched as a portal for my novel-in-progress titled “The Supremes”. It is a tale of a firm comprised mainly of retired state supreme court justices. They thought working together would be a great idea. Oy.

The novel effort was part of a national write-a-novel-in-a-month event. See for more information on that crazy venture.

Since then, I have blogged about law and law practice in one of the most, um, colorful states in the Union. Day in and day out, fascinating people and topics come to the fore, almost yearning to be transformed into blog posts. And so I oblige.

My novel was in memory of lawyer-author Peter Baird, who was a great friend and influence to many others, whether they were lawyers or writers. He died suddenly in late August 2009, and he will be missed.

Each novel chapter opens with a quotation from the respective portion of the United States Code. There are 50 “titles” (chapters) in the Code, but we’ll see if there are 50 chapters. Time will tell. The novel begins here.

3 Responses to “An Arizona (Attorney) State of Mind”

  1. fix pinal Says:

    Those of us who grew up in Arizona and families have lived in Arizona for generations have to agree with you. We do have one of the most colorful states and have as long as I can remember. From the Keeting 5 to Mecham to the Pierce brothers, well it is nothing less than colorful. I have a new tale to tell you. Below is a link which will take you to a complaint filed with the Commission on Judicial Conduct against William J. O’Neil, yes the Arizona Supreme Court Presiding Disciplinary Judge.

    The complaint shows a long patern of ethical and very possible illegal misconduct on the part of O’Neil which continues today. I challenge you and all other attorneys to read the complaint and realy evaluate the evidence, over 160 pages and you decide. Is this the “ethical” person you want judging you?

    Read the complaint, do some soul searching and ask yourself why is the Commission or the Supreme Court not doing anything.

  2. indytony Says:

    Hey, sorry to leave this in your reply box, but…

    Thank you for following my blog – “A Way With Words” @

    I’ve been having some trouble with WordPress. I’m still posting daily. Keep visiting and I hope to have things worked out shortly.

    Thanks again,

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