Arizona Attorney December_2005A recent feature story reminds us of the power of vision and drive. In this case, both arose from those who decided it was time for the State Bar to launch an Animal Law Section.

Those early conversations occurred probably a decade ago. And we enjoyed the new group so much, we featured the Section and our story on the cover of our December 2005 Arizona Attorney.

This month, I read that members of the Section decided to take a road trip together.

You read that right: a road trip. How many Sections do you know that hop into cars together and travel for hours toward a common destination? (And when it gets boisterous, does the Executive Council ever have to warn that they will turn this car around right now?).

The shared vision of the Section took them on a journey to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, in Kanab, Utah. As the Best Friends folks open their story:

“For Amanda Chua, a personal injury attorney, and 21 other Arizona attorneys and their families, a trip to Best Friends took a whole year to plan. The diverse group included real estate attorneys, personal injury lawyers, family law practitioners and civil litigators. Despite their array of specialties, all of the attorneys are members of the State Bar of Arizona, and belong to a special group called the Animal Law Section, which has over 90 members.”

“It was during a membership meeting that the idea of a trip to Best Friends came up. Many of the attorneys in the group serve on the boards of, and/or volunteer with, local rescue organizations or environmental groups. And many of them knew about the Michael Vick dog-fighting case, so they were familiar with the work that Best Friends does. But a few people in that meeting mentioned that they had never visited the Sanctuary. So Amanda, who was the past chair of the Animal Law Section, proposed that they form a committee to plan a group excursion to Kanab, Utah.”

You can read the complete story here.

Attorney Amanda Chua, center, and other members of the State Bar Animal Law Section recently visited the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah.

Attorney Amanda Chua, center, and other members of the State Bar Animal Law Section recently visited the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah.

Well done to all of the Section members who decided to take their legal practice area into “the field” for an exciting excursion.