Between now and Thursday, I am developing a list of questions that may inspire and entertain during a lunch-panel presentation. And I’m hoping you can help.

And you may get a free lunch out of it.

On Thursday, I will moderate a panel of corporate general counsel at a gathering at Lewis and Roca in Phoenix. The event is another in a series put on by the Legal Marketing Association—Southwest Chapter. And it is sponsored by AZ Business Magazine.

As editor of Arizona Attorney Magazine, I was privileged to be asked to moderate a discussion before an audience of lawyers and legal marketers.

As I write this, the panelist list is still evolving. But they will include:

The LMA is a great organization, and they kindly provided me a list of possible questions. I’m reviewing and adopting them now. But I wanted to ask you: If you could sit a GC or two down in front of you, what would you ask them?

Have at it. You may have questions about how they hire outside counsel. Or about whether law firms committed to diversity fare better in such searches. Or if corporations are demanding alternatives to the billable hour—or if that is a lot of national blather.

Send me a question or two. (Post them below, or write to me at

And if you can, consider attending. You can register here.

Finally, here’s a chance to combine the two. Send me a question by Wednesday at noon and I will randomly select a submitter to receive one free ticket to the event.