Yes, that is Diamandbacks CEO Derrick Hall gettin' the feeling. Contagious, isn't it?

Yes, that is Diamandbacks CEO Derrick Hall gettin’ the feeling. Contagious, isn’t it?

Today’s lesson is a simple and short one. In this Change of Venue Friday, let’s talk about leadership—or at least leading in dance.

For a few years now, I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with Derrick Hall on matters relating to downtown Phoenix, and it’s fair to say my day job and his—President and CEO of the Arizona Diamondbacks—are ballfields apart. In all the times I’ve spoken with him, I definitely spotted the sense of humor. But the rhythm? The tapping toes and tempo that can only be described as downtown?

To see that, and more, enjoy this video by the Diamondbacks. It taps into the rhythm of a smart leader—and a crack social media team. Here they are, putting their own spin on Justin Timberlake.


Have a terrific weekend—and don’t even think of stopping the feeling.

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Play us out, Derrick!