technology and law elawyerTypically I reserve Fridays for Change of Venue Day, when I locate a less law-ish topic that we all can enjoy. But then I recalled a great free event next Thursday that deserves a little sharing love. I’m hoping you agree.

Mark your calendar for Thursday, October 10, when a talented panel will address the topic “eLawyering and the Future of Legal Work.” It will run from noon to 1:00 (e-lawyers are very efficient), at the Phoenix School of Law.

The panelists are national experts on virtual law (see below). I’m doubly pleased that it appears I’ll get to interview them after the panel is complete (OK, OK, they haven’t all weighed in, but I’m confident.). READ the event description below and TELL ME what questions you’d like me to put to them.

Phoenix School of Law logoThe event comes courtesy of the American Bar Association eLawyering Task Force (Law Practice Management Section).

Here’s how organizers describe the discussion:

“eLawyering is doing legal work—not just marketing it—over the Web. Pioneering practitioners have found dramatic new ways to communicate and collaborate with clients and other lawyers, produce documents, settle disputes, interact with courts, and manage legal knowledge. There are exciting initiatives underway now that deserve attention by all lawyers—present and future.”

“The legal profession is being disrupted from without and from within. To be successful in the coming era, lawyers will need to know how to practice over the Web, manage client relationships in cyberspace, and offer ‘virtual’ legal services. Come hear about the knowledge and skills you need to prosper in the years ahead.”

“eLawyering also offers major opportunities to improve access to justice by those who can’t afford or don’t like traditional commercial modes of service delivery.”

“This free program is open to all area law students and lawyers with an interest in the innovative use of technology. Refreshments will be served.”

Panelists will include:

  • Marc Lauritsen, President and Founder, Capstone Practice Systems—Helping Lawyers Work Smarter—Harvard MA; and former director of clinical programs at Harvard Law School; presently Adjunct Faculty, Suffolk Law School
  • Richard Granat, CEO and Founder, DirectLaw, a virtual law firm platform provider; and Co-Director, Center for Law Practice Technology,

Go on; don’t be a noob. Follow each of them on Twitter, at @marclauritsen, @rgranat and @StephKimbro.

Want to attend? RSVP to, the Joe P. Perez, Asst. Dean of Professional Development, either by email at or by telephone at 602-682-6841.

In 2014, we plan to cover what’s cutting-edge in law practice in Arizona Attorney Magazine. Will that involve e-lawyering? Probably. Will those changes affect your law practice? Let me know if you have a law practice story to share.

Have a great e-weekend.