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The climate is changing, along with the increasing impressiveness of law students.

Well done to law student bloggers. You are engaging in an activity that will distinguish you as you move into a challenging profession.

That’s what I thought as I read the blog posts of ASU students fortunate enough to attend a climate change conference in Europe. They covered the events and their participation well and with wit (e.g., “The first [] plenary was surprisingly dramatic, the hotel wifi is atrocious for an international event, the hotel buffet reminded one student of Reno, NV”). And apparently their posts received more than 1,500 visits.

As I reported previously, the students presented research on international legal regimes at the gathering in Bonn, Germany. Their involvement grew out of research they did with Professors Daniel Bodansky and Daniel Rothenberg.

You can read all the student posts here.

Here’s hoping that the blogging skill is one they continue to hone as they return and move toward law practice. As a wise man once said, strategy is nothing more than the ability to differentiate yourself from your peers (more on strategy next week).

blog_word_imageIn the blogging realm, there may be a handful of bloggers committed to the topic of climate change and law. And when you restrict the pool to one state only, there may be no one covering that increasingly important territory. Now that’s differentiation.

The days of waiting silently for your “turn” to exhibit your skill in a niche are long gone. Today, a law student or new lawyer may—should—develop blog content along with a voice that conveys knowledge and commands attention.

Keep blogging, exhibit your knowledge and your passion, and folks will notice.

Have a great weekend. And if you haven’t started a blog, give it some thought.