I’ve already told you we’re seeking bloggers (forgotten already? Click here). But what, exactly, does that mean, you ask.

Like Potter Stewart, I’d like to say “I know it when I see it.” But unless you’re a pornographer, you deserve a better answer.

Well, as luck would have it, I just came across a well-written essay on the topic. Click here to start reading.

It was written by Ali Luke, at the Creativity Toolbox. She is a London writer; find her—and follow her—on Twitter at @aliventures. (You might also stop by her website here.)

Ali Luke

Early on in the essay, she points out that “The truth is, if you’re blogging—or even planning a blog—then you’re already much more creative than a lot of folks.”

Well, right on, I say. Whether you are blogging (or planning to), or writing in some other form (or planning to), you’ve got a creative spark that we want you to share.

And as you read the essay on problogger.net, ignore those blinking ads that say, “Make Ca$h Blogging.” Wouldn’t you rather do that with Arizona Attorney Magazine, where we pay you in positive vibes, great readers, and the occasional coffee and doughnut?

If you said yes to those things, you may be on the path to becoming the kind of blogger we seek.

Don’t just sit there—read what Ali has to say. And give the endeavor some thought.