Book Country Lawyer by Bellamy PartridgeA recent article suggested a new path that underemployed lawyers may seek to follow. It was a great read. But it also reminded me how bar magazines are often ahead of the curve—or at least laboratories of innovation.

The essay explained how new lawyers, especially, might benefit by heading out to practice in rural areas:

“[H]ere’s an interesting countervailing trend reported last year by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and NPR. There are jobs available for lawyers in many parts of rural America. In fact, in many rural areas, there is actually a shortage of attorneys.”

The excerpt comes from the terrific Attorney at Work site, and I enjoyed Roy Ginsburg’s essay.

But as much as I appreciate the coverage to the topic lent by national heady publications, a quick glance shows that state bar magazines are already crushing it.

Last September, I wrote about the concept of practicing in rural areas, and I was happy to share the coverage in Arizona Attorney and in the Oregon Bar Journal. And some bars and their publications have been touching on this important topic for years.

Still, Roy’s is a well-written argument for the value of picking up and moving to a smaller community. The more the merrier—both in rural law practice, and in terrific law practice coverage.

Have a great—and innovative—weekend.