The Los Abogados annual banquet, Oct. 19, 2013.

The Los Abogados annual banquet, Oct. 19, 2013.

I keep hearing that “people don’t want to join things anymore.” Or this: “Our organization can’t draw lawyers to events like we used to; law firms and attorneys don’t value networking events as they once did.”

Maybe. Or maybe your events are lackluster, and you’re failing to engage lawyers in ways that have meaning. Los Abogados clearly works from a different playbook.

That was my thought as I attended Saturday evening’s Los Abogados annual banquet. The packed room at the Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs was a rebuke to those who declare the days of attorney interaction dead and gone.

And if you get out of your office a good amount, you’ll see that kind of robust fellowship replicated at numerous other events throughout the year. For example, I was unable to attend the recent Native American Bar Association Seven Generations Award Ceremony and Dinner, but reports are that it was filled with happy lawyers. I also heard that the State Bar’s own mixer last Thursday at Kitchen 56 Restaurant was gangbusters. Well done to the Bar’s Young Lawyers Division, Solo Practitioner and Small Firm Section, Tax Law Section and the Arizona Jewish Lawyers Association.)

Back at the Los Abogados event, there was all you could expect (silent auction, food, drink, music, conversation, awards) and more—fantastic (professional) dancers and a closing act of three opera singers. Even if you’ve never gotten closer to The Three Tenors than a PBS special, you knew you were in the midst of greatness at the Pointe Hilton.

Professional dancers wow the crowd at the Los Abogados banquet, Oct. 19, 2013.

Professional dancers wow the crowd at the Los Abogados banquet, Oct. 19, 2013.

So the next time someone bemoans declining attendance at (fill in the blank) the Lions Club, or Kiwanis, or whatever, be sure you point out that busy attorneys remain connected, but they’ve reallocated their time. They seek events and organizations that provide a deep connection, and those groups that give back in meaningful ways.

And remember: Connectivity is more than just one night; it continues throughout the year. Therefore, you should follow them on Facebook here.

In that vein, it’s not too early to point out that the Arizona Asian American Bar Association annual banquet will be on Thursday, February 18, 2014. Go on; mark it on your calendar. It’ll be at C-Fu Gourmet in Chandler, where the multi-course evening would suggest you begin skipping lunches now to prepare for the feast.

Let’s get connected.

At the end of the program, opera surprised and delighted attendees.

At the end of the program, opera surprised and delighted attendees.