Project Civil Discourse logoWhat does civic engagement mean to you? Share your ideas. Create a video.

That’s the pitch from Project Civil Discourse, which announced its Student Voices Video Contest.

The contest is open to students and some categories of adults. So if you know of or work with someone who may be interested in creating a video that speaks to the issue of civil discourse, point them here. The deadline is Jan. 31, 2013.

Project Civil Discourse is “a special initiative of the Arizona Humanities Council.” The Council builds a just and civil society by creating opportunities to explore our shared human experiences through discussion, learning and reflection.”

arizona humanities council logoAlso note: The Project is holding a panel discussion on February 19 on the topic of politics and religion. It will be held at the Phoenix Burton Barr Public Library, and among the panelists will be lawyer Bob McWhirter. We’ve featured Bob’s work and career a number of times in Arizona Attorney Magazine, and he’ll be in there again in our February issue, on the topic of lawyer writing.