Texas Gov. Rick Perry

Happy Leap Day!

One way I remember what year has a Leap Day is to think, Is this a Presidential election year?

Well, it is, so what could be more appropriate today than to post some images from last week’s Arizona Republican Party debate, put on by CNN?

I was pleased to be able to attend and cover the debate. (Well, “attend” may be putting it strongly: Media were all corralled into a tent outside, but we did get to mingle with and inquire of the candidates and newsmakers after the debate.)

Ariz. Gov. Jan Brewer

Want to see some of what I said about the debate, as it occurred? Search for the hashtag #GOPDebate on Twitter. And while you’re there, feel free to follow me (@azatty).

So now that Arizona’s Republican primary is over, and there is no way my poorly shot photos could accidentally influence the election’s outcome (which we discovered last night was won by Mitt Romney), here are a few of my pics. The complete set is online at the magazine’s Facebook page.

Debate sign directing media