As uneventful the news may be to accomplished conventioneers, we’re pleased to announce that Arizona Attorney has a full-fledged exhibitor booth at the Bar Convention this year. How sweet it is.

Home sweet home, Tucson style

At the booth, you can find a selection of recent magazines, as well as detailed information on how to submit an article. We’ve also shared our editorial Calendar for the rest of 2011, which I’m hoping gets your creative juices flowing.

We also—and I don’t like to brag—may have some of the largest posters of any booth this year. Thanks for them and the booth’s cool look go to new Ad Sales Manager Lisa Bormaster. She has swooped in and taken the Bar by storm. And it was her belief that a magazine booth needed something else with two o’s: oomph.

I am at seminars most of the day, but feel free to stop by and leave a card or note. Story ideas, comments, critiques, compliments—we enjoy them all.

In the meantime, reach me (Tim Eigo, editor) on my cell at 602-908-6991.