je_suis_charlie The terror attack and murders of Charlie Hebdo staffers galvanized people around the globe.

Here it is Change of Venue Friday already. In its honor, and with a long weekend ending with the MLK Holiday, I urge you take a few minutes with a moving video.

Part of a New York Times series, it lets us into the offices of Charlie Hebdo, the magazine that was the target of a deadly terror attack this past month.

As you can see in the video, the dangers that accrued to exercising free speech were very much on the staffers’ minds. But they were resolute—to the end, for many of them.

It is haunting to see the words on the screen indicating birth and death dates of the speakers. Here is the video:

And here is a terrific cartoon by Tom Toles of the Washington Post that asserts an essential truth about terror and the power of the pen.

Washington Post Tom Toles on Charlie Hebdo murders

Have a great weekend. And if you get the chance, honor those First Amendment rights not just by standing with Charlie, but by seeing Selma, a film that explores the strategies and sacrifices of Martin Luther King, Jr., and many of his fellow civil rights compatriots.

The Academy may have largely (and distressingly) overlooked the film; that doesn’t mean you have to.