
It was a year ago that I pointed you to an annual event—Movember—that aims to raise money for men’s health. In the process, participating men get to grow a moustache.

Try as I might this year, I could not locate an Arizona lawyer connection to the facial-hair celebration. So on Change of Venue Friday, I suggest a few places to read about your own adventure in upper-lip grooming.

First, here are some tips if you decide to sport the ’stache in your law office. It ain’t always a walk in the park.

And for those of you who prefer a little law, even on Fridays, here is a fascinating tale of a 1960s schoolteacher who came back from summer vacation wearing a beard. And for that he was sent home. (I know, right???)

Movember paul-finot-1963

Paul S. Finot and the beard that led to a lawsuit.

Yes, you’re right: Paul Finot sued, and it went up to the California court of appeal.

Did he win? I’m not saying, but the most interesting man in the world would have been pleased.

Have a great—and barbate—weekend.

Movember interesting man