Relax the Back rising (standing) desk, as displayed at the 2014 State Bar Convention.

Relax the Back rising (standing) desk, as displayed at the 2014 State Bar Convention.

This morning, Arizona lawyer Ruth Carter writes in the great Attorney at Work blog about standing desks. In that piece, she gets the positive viewpoints of many lawyers who have experienced them.

Read that here.

And if you’re at the State Bar Convention, stop by Booths 32 and 33 (lower level), where exhibitor Relax the Back displays not just super-comfy work chairs, but also a standing desk. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

And yes, Relax the Back is displaying chairs (lots of 'em!) at Convention this year. Take a load off.

And yes, Relax the Back is displaying chairs (lots of ’em!) at Convention this year. Take a load off.