Maricopa County Justice Museum and Learning Center Foundation logo

What could be a better match for Change of Venue Friday than the promise of a cellblock tour?

I’ve written about the unique cellblock and its museum here. It is a remarkable reuse of a space that other states and cities might have boarded up and left forever. As the museum’s website describes the former Maricopa County jail:

“This unique museum opened in 2012 and is centered around a restored cellblock on the sixth floor of Maricopa County’s Historic old Courthouse—the Courthouse has been renovated to its 1929 grandeur. While visiting the museum you will get a sense of Maricopa County’s legal history, its court cases and important elements of the Rule of Law, including individual rights and liberties guaranteed in the United States and Arizona constitutions. To our knowledge, it is the only such museum in an active courthouse in the county.”

The museum is located at 125 W. Jefferson, Phoenix, and is open from noon to 1:00 pm Monday through Thursday.

So I promised news about taking a tour. Information about that is here.

And take a few minutes to watch a video about this unique experiment in architecture and legal history.

Have a great—and incarceration-free—weekend.