There may be no more divisive issue today than reproductive rights and abortion. A speaker series begins this Thursday that aims to say some things about the topic we may not have heard—not an easy task.

The Liberty Project is an advocacy organization. As they describe themselves:

“The Liberty Project is a think tank made up of law students, young lawyers and other interested professionals dedicated to the preservation of reproductive rights and sexual health.”

So, yes, the group comes down strongly on one side of the issue. I share news of this Thursday’s panel because it proposes to explain something about the time that preceded Roe v. Wade—not something often done.

In fact, on the panel—to be held at ASU Law School—will be Sherri Chessen. She may be best known to Arizonans as an actress who worked on the state’s version of Romper Room. Her own story about being unwillingly thrust into the spotlight due to her seeking an abortion is told here. (I’ve never met Ms. Chessen, but I should note that I attended law school with one of her daughters.)

Thursday’s panel is the first of three panels, and it’s called “Then, Then and Now: Reproductive Rights Before and After Roe and into Our Future.” It will occur noon on Thursday, February 2 at the ASU College of Law Great Hall. After the panel discussion, lawyer Leon Silver will moderate a discussion with the audience.

Lunch will be provided by Carolina’s Mexican Food. No RSVP needed.